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Maya Viewport Display Toggles

Tool for toggling nurbsCurves, geometry, etc in the viewport.

How to Use



Make sure to save this to your scripts folder as, “”. Assign the following python code to a hotkey or shelf buttons:

For Nurbs Curves

from ebLabs_displayToggle import *

For Polygon Geometry

from ebLabs_displayToggle import *

For Locators

from ebLabs_displayToggle import *

For Object Handle Display

from ebLabs_displayToggle import *

For Joints

from ebLabs_displayToggle import *


If you’d like to see any other object types added, just let me know.


# eblabs displayToggle
# Eric Bates (c) 2013
# checkout for more cool stuff!
# v002

from ebLabs_displayToggle import *

import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
def ebLabs_displayToggle( **kwargs ):
    nurbsCurves = False
    if 'nurbsCurves' in kwargs:
        nurbsCurves = kwargs.pop( 'nurbsCurves' )

    locators = False
    if 'locators' in kwargs:
        locators = kwargs.pop( 'locators' )

    polyMesh = False
    if 'polyMesh' in kwargs:
        polyMesh = kwargs.pop( 'polyMesh' )

    handles = False
    if 'handles' in kwargs:
        handles = kwargs.pop( 'handles' )

    enableHandles = False
    if 'enableHandles' in kwargs:
        enableHandles = kwargs.pop( 'enableHandles' )

    joints = False
    if 'joints' in kwargs:
        joints = kwargs.pop( 'joints' )

    # object related toggles
    selected = sl = True )

    if enableHandles:
        toggleState = cmds.getAttr( selected[0] + '.displayHandle' )
        for s in selected:
            cmds.setAttr( s + '.displayHandle', not toggleState )

    # view related toggles
    # if user is in a model panel, carry on
    panel = cmds.getPanel( withFocus = True )
    if cmds.getPanel( typeOf = panel ) == 'modelPanel':
        # collect current UI toggle states
        nurbsToggleState = cmds.modelEditor( panel, query = True, nurbsCurves = True )
        locatorsToggleState = cmds.modelEditor( panel, query = True, locators = True )
        polymeshesToggleState = cmds.modelEditor( panel, query = True, polymeshes = True )
        handlesToggleState = cmds.modelEditor( panel, query = True, handles = True )
        jointsToggleState = cmds.modelEditor( panel, query = True, joints = True )

        # set toggles
        if nurbsCurves:
            cmds.modelEditor( panel, edit = True, nurbsCurves = ( not nurbsToggleState ) )
        if locators:
            cmds.modelEditor( panel, edit = True, locators = ( not locatorsToggleState ) )
        if polyMesh:
            cmds.modelEditor( panel, edit = True, polymeshes = ( not polymeshesToggleState ) )
        if handles:
            cmds.modelEditor( panel, edit = True, handles = ( not handlesToggleState ) )
        if joints:
            cmds.modelEditor( panel, edit = True, joints = ( not jointsToggleState ) )

Maya Playblast to... April 9, 2013 Group Move Tool *... May 7, 2013

Comments (13)

  • Eddie Chew

    Amazing tools mate, I've added it into my workflow. Cheers.

  • Aly

    Thank you so much!! Just what I was looking for :)

  • Benoit

    Waw very nice and useful script. Only one thing is missing: a query mode. It could be a thing like ebLabs_displayToggle(nurbsCurves=True, query=True). Thanks again

    • Eric

      Hi Benoit, Thanks for the positive feedback! That shouldn't be too difficult to add, but how would you use a query mode? I mean, how would it be useful? Cheers! Eric

  • Harrison

    not sure where I did it wrong in 2017. I couldn't get it to work. there is no error when I try to run the script. it loads just nothing happens

    • Eric

      Hi, Thanks for letting me know! Ill take a look... Cheers, Eric

    • Harrison

      stupid me, I figured it out. it worked after I run it as a shelf button/hotkey, was trying to run it directly from the script editor. I guess it couldn't see which viewport I am selecting. thanks!

    • Eric

      Ah great! I tested it out in 2017 today as well and it was working for me too! Cheers.

    • Harrison

      not sure if I am asking for too much here, I know very little about scripting :( how much time will it take you if you could add a hide everything toggle and only the nurbs cruves, polygon/surface, ik handle, locator, image planes are on. you know the usual set up for animators. I am gonna try and see if I could modify it myself and see if I could get it to work, as well as create a separate window with buttons :P anyway, thanks for the script, really helpful already :)

  • Eric

    Hi Harrison, Yeah, cool idea. Well the easiest way is to make a command for every viewport option. Then in your shelf button, you can just include whatever toggles you like. Ill get back to you on this... Cheers, Eric

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